Accessibility Standard for Customer Service Policy


The intent of this policy is to outline Massothérapie Massage Addict’s commitment to the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service. This policy is to be used in conjunction with specific workplace procedures.


Accessible Customer Service – Accessible customer service is provided when all persons who are reasonably expected to seek to obtain, use, or benefit from a good or service have the same opportunity to obtain, use, or benefit from the good or service.


Barrier-Free Access to Goods and Services

  • Massothérapie Massage Addict will establish and implement practices, procedures, and policies in order to provide barrier-free access to goods and services.
  • When creating these policies, Massothérapie Massage Addict will:
    • Determine the current barriers customers face when attempting to access goods or services;
    • Seek to remove all identified barriers;
    • Identify procedures to ensure that where barriers cannot be removed, Massothérapie Massage Addict will provide alternate means for accessing goods or services; and
    • Address adequate means for preventing the creation of any new barriers.

Massothérapie Massage Addict will:

  • Create, and train employees/contractors on policies related to the removal of barriers for persons with disabilities;
  • Ensure that all employment practices uphold the principles of reasonable accommodation;
  • Ensure that all individuals are provided with access to our clinic and employment opportunities;
  • Accommodate support persons free of charge, or where this is not possible, ensure the support person is notified ahead of time that admission will be charged and provide the amount; and
  • Ensure that employees/contractors are aware of Massothérapie Massage Addict’s policy permitting the admittance of service animals in all areas where customers are generally allowed.


Massothérapie Massage Addict will:

  • Create procedures and processes specific to how to receive and respond to feedback. Processes will include the actions that Massothérapie Massage Addict will use to respond to complaints;
  • Ensure that information regarding the feedback process is easily available and provided to the public; and
  • Provide documents in alternative formats (where possible) and ensure public awareness of available alternative formats.


  • When communicating with, or providing information to, an individual who is self- identified as being disabled and constrained by a barrier, Massothérapie Massage Addict will ensure that all communication with the individual is completed in a manner that takes into account the individual’s disability.
  • Where an assisted device is used to remove or reduce a barrier, Massothérapie Massage Addict will reasonably accommodate the use of said device.


  • Massothérapie Massage Addict will provide training to any employee/contractor, agent, or volunteer who provides goods or services directly to the public, as well as all employees/contractors who are responsible for, or participate in, the development or implementation of any portions of this policy and the Act.
  • Massothérapie Massage Addict will provide training as soon as reasonably practicable upon the person being assigned to applicable duties.
  • Massothérapie Massage Addict will also provide training where there are changes to the company’s measures, policies, and practices regarding barrier-free access to goods or services.
  • Training will include:
    • Instruction on how to interact and communicate with persons who are disabled and face barriers;
    • Instruction on how to interact with persons who are disabled and face barriers who require the help of a service animal or support person and/or the use of an assistive device;
    • The way to use any equipment or assistive devices that Massothérapie Massage Addict may have available;
    • The process and procedures, including the steps to take if a person with a disability is facing a barrier preventing them from accessing a good or service; and
    • The Human Rights Code, the Act, and the Customer Service Standard Regulation.

Built Environment

  • Massothérapie Massage Addict will ensure that all aspects of the built environment which are designed to facilitate barrier-free access to goods or services are available/in place.
  • In the event that one or more of them are unavailable for use, Massothérapie Massage Addict will provide notice explaining:
    • The reasons why it is unavailable;
    • A time-frame for when it will be available; and
    • The details of an alternate means of access.
    • This notice will be prominently displayed on the premises and on the website, or by any means which are reasonably practicable considering the circumstances.

Public Events

In the event that a public event is held, Massothérapie Massage Addict will take reasonable measures to ensure that:

  • Notice of the event is provided in a way that is accessible;
  • Notice is given stating that persons with disabilities who face barriers can request supports;
  • Upon request, physical and communication needs are met; and
  • Meeting places for events are accessible
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